Validation of the FICO Safe Driving Score shows that drivers who maintain a score of 710 and above — Low- and Very Low-Risk drivers — are 30% less likely to be involved in a future collision than those who are below that benchmark.
Mentor is focused on continuous improvement, not perfection. Mentor helps to identify behaviors drivers can immediately address to positively affect their scores and bring them above the benchmark score or the current benchmark score that your organization has identified.
★★★★★ | 800-850 | Very Low Risk |
★★★★ | 710-799 | Low Risk |
★★★ | 560-709 | Medium Risk |
★★ | 500-559 | High Risk |
★ | 100-499 | Very High Risk |
The goal is to remain in the Low- to Very Low-Risk driver categories by taking consistent 4- and 5-star Trips.