The Mentor Dashboard shows a snapshot of your driving data.
At the top of the Dashboard, you can see how your current FICO® Safe Driving Score benchmarks against your team and organization. These ratings represent the rolling 7-day FICO Safe Driving Score rankings for you and each of the benchmark groups noted. Tap the FICO Safe Driving Score graph to see how you benchmark against the rest of your team, your organization, and the Top 10% of drivers, complete with personalized feedback for how to improve your score.
- Behavior Ribbon: The Behavior Ribbon breaks down various driving behaviors — Acceleration, Braking, Cornering, Distraction, Speeding, and Eco performance. It provides color-coded indicators (green for Low Risk, yellow for Medium Risk, and red for High Risk) to help you identify areas for improvement. Tapping each icon gives you summary data and performance feedback, aiding in your journey toward safer driving habits.
- Last Trip: Tap your Last Trip to access detailed information, including the map route, trip rating, events, and other trip-related details. Reviewing your last trip helps you reflect on your driving performance and identify areas for improvement.
- Playlist: The Playlist feature displays outstanding training modules as well as completed ones, allowing you to easily track your learning progress and development. Accessing your Playlist ensures that you stay up to date with your training requirements and enhance your driving skills continuously.
- Driver Vehicle Inspection Report (DVIR)*: DVIR is an inspection checklist that should be completed before and after each driving session. Initiating the DVIR process ensures that your vehicle is in optimal condition, promoting safety on the road for both you and others.
- Driver Event Reporting (DER)*: DER allows you to report an event (collision, incident, or license violation) immediately after it occurs.
- Rewards*: For organizations enrolled in Mentor Rewards, the Points section displays your current Points Balance with active and upcoming Points Challenges, your total accrued Points and earned Badges, and even the ability to redeem your Points for bonuses, gift cards, or other rewards. Engaging with Points Challenges incentivizes safe driving practices and fosters a culture of continuous improvement.
- Circles*: Mentor Circles allow managers, drivers, and employees to form teams where they can securely share messages, emojis, and defensive driving experiences and challenges. Circles play a vital role in promoting a Crash-Free Culture® informally within organizations. They provide a platform for team collaboration, enabling members to share and resolve common challenges, fostering a sense of community and safety awareness across the organization.
Using the bottom menu bar, you can view and interact with the following features:
- Dashboard: Provides a snapshot of driving data.
- Trips: Displays specific trip details with individual driving behaviors labeled for each drive.
- Playlist: Shows new and completed training modules.
- Trends: Gives an overview of scores and ratings over time.
- More: Allows adjustments to your Profile and app settings, and access to Support and FAQ documents.
Multiple Dashboard features can be customized by tapping the More icon at the bottom right of the screen:
- Distance Units can be set to miles or kilometers at any time by going to the More menu and then tapping Units. Select your preferred measure of distance between miles and kilometers.
- Edit your profile picture at any time by going to the More menu and tapping the My Photo option. Tap the icon at the center of the screen to upload or edit your profile picture. Tap Take Photo to take a new photo or Choose from Photo Library (iOS) or Select from Gallery (Android) to select an existing one in your photo library or to delete your current photo.
Note: This photo can be seen by your team and manager. - To manage the Circles on your Dashboard, tap on the Create a Circle button or the Join button from the My Circles section of the Dashboard. To leave a Circle, tap the Circle from the Dashboard, tap Edit in the upper right-hand corner, then tap Leave on the bottom corner of the screen. To Join a Circle, tap Join from the Dashboard and enter the invite code provided by an existing Circle member, then tap Join Circle Now.
* Add-on feature available on some plans.