How to Select and Sort the Report Fields
Moveable Columns
Columns can be dragged left and right to change the position of the columns to determine the sequence of the information.
Note: Make sure the columns you want to move are not pinned to the ribbon.
Pinning and Unpinning Columns
Mouse over the header and then, click on the three horizontal lines that appear to pin a column.
Viewable Columns
Select the columns of information you want to display.
Select the third tab and click on the checkboxes of the columns you want to see.
Search for Information
You can also create filters for the range of information you would like to see.
Filter combinations can be set up for certain columns by selecting a column heading on the main search bar and clicking on the horizontal lines next to each column name .
Select the second tab to set up the filters .
Select the qualifier from the dropdown box.
Enter the filter or date. Conditions (and, or) can be set up and, a second qualifier and filter can be selected.
Sorting and Grouping
Each page has a default sort. The first click will sort the columns in one direction . The second click will sort in the opposite direction. The third click will remove sorting.
Right Side Selection Panes
You can also make selections on the right side of the report screen. There is a side bar with filters. Click on the upper arrow to close and expand it.
The options to the right of the screen also allow you to select the columns of information you want to see.
Click on Columns and click on the boxes for information you want to see listed in the reports.
Click on Filters to select more specific data for the reports. Filters can also be set up by clicking on the Filter tab on the right side of the report screen.
See the list of filters in the box below that will allow you to select data by specifying parameters. Enter data and/or select a qualifier in the search field to search for data.
Click on the arrow for each filter parameter that you want to find data for.
The VRM Mentor option displays the following information.
You can select the time period (day, week, or month) of data you would like to see.