You can find Mentor Business for iPad in your app store.
After installing the app, tap on the Mentor icon to log in.
Logging In
The Mentor application has several login options – email, SMS, and SSO (Company Code provided). Contact your employer for specific login instructions.
If signing in with an email address, you will receive an email with instructions on how to download the Mentor app. Once the app is installed, select the email tab at the top of the login screen. On initial login, enter your email address and tap Setup / Reset Password to receive an email with instructions to set up or reset your password.
After you have set up / reset your password, you will be able to enter your email and created password to log in.
If using SMS, you will receive a text message with directions on how to download the Mentor app. Once your app is downloaded, tap the phone tab at the top of the screen. Enter your phone number and tap Setup / Reset Password to receive a text message with a verification code and instructions to set up or reset your password.
After you have set up / reset your password, you will be able to enter your phone number and created password to log in.
Single Sign On
If signing in with Single Sign On (SSO), tap Sign In with SSO Company Code. Enter the Company Code provided by your employer and tap Continue.
You will then be redirected to a third-party Authenticator application where the company email and password are reviewed and verified before you are logged into the application.
Reset Password
If you are using an email or SMS login and ever forget your password or need to reset it, tap the Setup / Reset Password button from the login screen. Enter your username and select Setup / Reset Password to receive an email or text message with instructions to reset your password.