Before starting your day's route, you must log in and complete your Driver Vehicle Condition Report (DVCR).
- Click Begin Pre-Trip Inspection
- Enter the Serial Number of your vehicle. This step is required to pair your DVCR app with your vehicle.
3. Once you enter the Serial Number of your vehicle, you will see the inspection screen.
- Walk around the vehicle, checking each category in the DVCR.
- Click “NOT OBSERVED” to report NO DAMAGE or “OBSERVED” to report DAMAGE or "NOT APPLICABLE FOR THIS VEHICLE" if the damage is not applicable to your vehicle.
- If there is NO DAMAGE, screen navigates to next Damage sub category.
- In case of a reportable damage you will be prompted to take a photo.
- Keep checking for all damages and add comments if desired under "Other" field.
- Click "Continue Inspection" to move ahead to next category in the inspection checklist.
- Continue through the checklist, following the steps above to check all damage categories.
Click File Report to submit the DVCR.
If a high-severity damage is observed, you must NOT take the vehicle on the road and contact your DSP immediately for further guidance.
- A Pre-trip DVCR must be completed at the beginning of your shift or your manager will be notified.
- DVCR compliance will be measured by Amazon. All drivers are required to complete DVCRs accurately and in a timely manner.